Wednesday 19 December 2012

Food prep

This is what i bought for £75 , here we have 60 litres of water (could not fit it all on the table) over 5kg of tinned meats, 10 tinned pies, 7kg of rice, pasta, 200 tea bags,curry sauce, ketchup,brown sauce,jams, vinegar,salt,pepper,tinned fruit and veg, beans, spaghetti, tinned minced beef, Irish stew,peanut butter,honey,corned beef hash, sardines. 5  - 100 gram bars of white chocolate.

This was my main food buy and i now add to this a couple of times a week. One prepper saying is "store what you eat and eat what you store" This is very important. Its no good storing food you wont ever use unless desperately needed and you don't want to have to throw away food that has gone bad so this is very important.

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