Wednesday 19 December 2012

Why prep?

So I thought it would be a good idea to talk why i personally prep.

Prepping has had quite a lot of media coverage over the last months. With "doomsday preppers" on NatGeo and the Mayan calender ending on the 21st of December this has given some media coverage into the whole idea of prepping.

So why do people prep?? Well the reasons are highly varied and like anything there are people who take it to the next level. Some people prep for "TEOTWAWKI" (the end of the world as we know it) be this a super volcano erupting, a catastrophic Asteroid impact, Nucular wars, or complete economic and social breakdown. Whilst others simply prepare for more likely things - like severe weather,inflation,loss of earnings/job, power cuts ect.

I fall somewhere between the two camps, im aged 29 and im preparing for severe weather , power-cuts and a worsening economy. I believe inflation will push up food prices to the point where the wages a average non skilled worker in the UK can earn just wont be enough to survive on. These are my personal reasons to prepare.

By the time something happens its too late, i personally started prepping back when hurricane Sandy was just about to hit the US. Knowing people would be stuck in there homes with little to no water and food & no electricity. This was enough to make me realise how terribly unprepared i would be should anything ever happen like that where i live.

So i went out and spend £75 on value foods, mainly tinned goods with good dates (18 months at least) This was the basis for me and 2 other family members to store, equipment is something i started to focus on later.

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